The new morning sun shines on your face, The day has begun, the light you embrace, The joy in your eyes is the work of His grace, And you have a nitch to fill. A kind word is spoken, a greeting to friends, You love all God's creatures, A life He commends, And blessed is the child who listens And lends an ear, that is such a skill, My friend Jill. Each day a pearl, and each pearl a prayer, To still your heart in waiting there Don't be weighed down With worry or anxious care, You have your dreams to fulfill, oh Jill. The Lord lives within you, And we'd be less without you, The gift of the Christ child Is all around about you, And the Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to those who want to Come as a child at will, like my friend Jill. Each day a pearl, and each pearl a prayer, To still your heart in waiting there Don't be weighed down With worry or anxious care, Cause you have your dreams to fulfill, My friend Jill. And he joy in your eyes is the work of His grace, And you have a nitch to fill, Jill.