Phil Keaggy

Digital Maze

Phil Keaggy

I'm an executive type in an executive craze 
Caught up in a web of corporate maze 
With a handshake callous and a golfer's thumb 
A barstool butt and a digital numb 

Coffee breath on a morning commute 
Wall Street Journal in a Hilfiger suit 

A laptop mentality 
Speed dial duality 
A number crunching morality 
A superficiality 
Is this all I can hope for in this world of plurality? 

Can I trade in my portfolio for some peace of mind? 
Can I ditch the daytimer and try to find 
A forgiving face, a positive place 
Quit the chase for some lasting grace 

Must I always live in a Wall Street world? 
Between the bear and the bull, just shouting words 
Does my life exist on a trader's whim 
Up again, down again, on a margin so slim? 

A laptop mentality 
Speed dial duality 
A number crunching morality 
A superficiality 
Is this all I can hope for in this world of plurality? 

I want a mate that's a keeper, not a digital beeper 
A laugh that's hardy, not a tailgate party 
I want to shout and sing, hear the church bells ring 
Speak honest words that aren't part of a sting 

Can I trade in my Lexus for a flatbed truck 
Can I walk in the waves, get out of the muck 
Can I jam with the band and enjoy the sound 
Play on a swing or a merry-go-round 

A laptop mentality 
Speed dial duality 
A number crunching morality 
A superficiality 
Is this all I can hope for in this world of plurality? 

Just to close the door on the trading floor 
The strength to shout, "I won't take it anymore" 
Can I live on a farm without a satellite dish 
Loaf by a stream and pretend to fish 

A laptop mentality 
Speed dial duality 
A number crunching morality 
A superficiality 
Is this all I can hope for in this world of plurality? 

Now take a deep breath, don't try to recall 
This is my day, gotta give it my all 
Wake with the sun, live a day at a time 
Feel the warmth, feel the shine 

Thank the Lord above for this event 
I'm a believer and I don't owe rent 
I'm a believer, I'm a believer, I'm a believer, 
And I don't owe rent 

Stopped by the church, I fell to my knees 
I said, "Lord have mercy" and you gave me peace 
Now I'm a believer, I'm a believer, I'm a believer 
Lord you gave me peace 

No longer a prisoner of the executive craze 
Free at last from the digital maze.