In the streets I was drifting though the lanes Everybody looked away, I felt tension and afraid In the back of my head I feel terribly dead Friday afternoon came a rustling from the room I was strangely terrified by the things I heard inside Then a voice so strong & loud said: "it could be yours by now" Saturday at four I snuck back to the corridor And slipped into the room, now quiet as a tomb And there, written on the ground in dust: "it should be yours by now" And it's so strange, cuz in the back of my head I still feel terribly dead - so just go away Leave me chained to the wall just like you've done it before Everyone knows that it's my regular show Is my deliverance near? I don't see it - I don't hear Where's the trumpets blowing fire and the angel hosted choir? I keep waiting for the sound cuz it should be here by now But there's no change, in the back of my head The monster wants to be fed - and I can't get away Cuz when you've done it before what's it matter once more? Everyone knows that it's your regular show Once upon a time in the blinking of an eye The oracle was mine like the sage had prophesied It was whispered through the clouds Said: "it will be yours right now"