
Vultures & Mosquitoes


Vultures wait in the everglades staying very still
They can calculate your fate:
Mosquitoes wait for the candidate staying very still
Though they undulate they crave strangers

But it's all they know
It's all that comes through
It's all they know
And all that consumes with a violence
It comes through in the silence

I want you to know
I want you

Vultures fly over passersby with a hunting eye
That is never dry and cries when it's all through
Mosquitoes wait in the Bering straits hover high and low
Over frozen space afraid hearts can freeze too

And it's all you know
It's all that comes through you
It's all you know
And all that consumes you with violence
It comes through you in silence

Vultures down in the underground
In a tunnel where they are often found
Surrounded but alone
Mosquitoes swarm until early down
With a life so short they can not afford
Delaying, playing, saying, praying

Cos it's all they know and all that comes through you
It's all you know
And all that consumes you in the silence
It comes through you with violence

I want you to know
I want you