Tom: Em stratford-on-guy: E|----------------| e shape barre crds. play just the 2 low strings. to make things easy, numbers in parentheses indicate the fret to play the chord at. for example, B5 (7) = e --- B --- G --- D --- A -9- E -7- slide up & down between crds like on the album funky drum thang... verses: (7) (3) (10) (2) B5 G5 D5 F#5 i was flying into chicago at nite... (8) (3) (2) C5 G5 F#5 blah blah blah repeat chorus (listen to cd to figure rhythm & how many times to play each crd) Asus2 Am D funkyE... repeat (Am D E) A few times shapes: e--0------0--1--2---2----4---| B--0------1--1--1---3----5---| G--2------2--2--2---2----4---| D--2------2--2--2---0----0---| A--0------0--0--0------------| EE|----------------|------------| 1* 2*