Tom: D E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Oh Marianne - Peter Wolf E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Tabbed by: Jakob Burgemeister Tuning: Standard Capo II All Chords are related to Capo Em A Life is a dead end street Em A Oh but the music is sweet Em G Shine in your finery D For a day tonight D Oh Marianne A Lets hold on while we can G Tomorrow will come And we will be gone D Our lives are drifting sand Em A Here on the Silver Strand Em A We talk in a Spanish hand Em G We sing Siempre a la moda D mi corazon D Oh Marianne A Lets hold on while we can G Tomorrow will come And we will be gone D Our lives are drifting sand D Oh Marianne A Lets close our eyes and dream G And live in a song where nothing is wrong D And there's a place for you and me A G The world is a sad place D So put on a brave face A And dance A G Make a wish on a wild wind D Let it fly to the worlds end A And dance and dance and dance G O (Chords used are same like Chorus) D Oh Marianne A Lets hold on while we can G Tomorrow will come And we will be gone D Our lives are drifting sand D Oh Marianne A Lets close our eyes and dream G And live in a song where nothing is wrong D And there's a place for you and me D Oh Marianne A Lets hold on while we can G Tomorrow will come And we will be gone D Our lives are drifting sand D Oh Marianne A Lets close our eyes and dream G And live in a song where nothing is wrong D And there's a place for you and me ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | H hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend