Tom: G G D Am G When the whale gets strike and the line runs out C Am D And the whale makes a flounder with its tail G C Am D And the boat cap-sized and I lost my darlin' man G C Am C D No more, no more Green-land for you, brave boys G C Am G No more, no more Green-land for you (Main Song) G C G Am D 'Twas in eighteen hundred and fifty-three, on June the thirteenth day, G Am C D That our gallant ship, her anchor weighed, G Am D And for Greenland sailed away, brave boys, G C (D) G and for Greenland sail-ed a-way. G C G Am D The lookout on the cross tree stood, with a spyglass in his hand, G Am C D "There's a whale, there's a whale, there's a whalefish," he cried, G Am D And she blows at every span, brave boys, G C (D) G She blows at ev-ery span. G C G Well we struck that whale and the line played out Am D But she gave a flounder with her tail G Am C D And the boat capsized and four men were drowned G Am D And we never caught that whale G C (D) G We never caught that whale G C G Oh, to lose that whale, my captain cried Am D It grieves my heart full sore G Am C D But to lose four of my gallant men G Am D It grieves me ten times more, brave boys G C (D) G It grieves me ten times more G C G Oh, Greenland is a dreadful place Am D It's a land that's never green G Am C D Where there's ice and snow and the whale fishes blow G Am D And daylight's seldom seen, brave boys G C (D) G And daylight's sel-dom seen (Outro) G D Am G When the whale get strike and the line runs out C Am D And the whale makes a flounder with its tail