Captain of My Life I've stood at starboard bow Thinking how beautiful the waves I've lingered at the stern Where I have yearned to return the way I came I have toiled down below In the dark and cold When these hands were made to row I've been atop the mast Holding fast and looking out ahead But I've been unconcerned And never learned where this ship was led Now on every side I see What I've never seen Such a storm surrounding me This ship could be going down And I see no sign of ground Will I be, before I drown The captain of my life? I can do many things And many things I've done since I began But fear has sailed with me And crippled me from taking the command Now despair is in the hold As the water rolls Fear is waiting for my soul This ship could be going down And I see no sign of ground Will I be, before I drown The captain of my life?