Peter Hammill

Open your Eyes (The Locarno Song)

Peter Hammill

I was sitting in the dance-hall, 
but my mind was far away 
so when the usherette walked over 
I didn't know quite what to say: 
I tried to look cool 
but I knew that I blew it somehow. 
Her fishnet tights took me quite by surprise; 
I had to open my eyes. 

I told her I was dancing 
but she didn't seem to hear; 
she asked if I wanted to learn judo, 
then she threw me out on my ear 
before I'd even 
had time to take a bow. 
I landed on the street, all dishevelled my disguise 
but I really opened my eyes. 

So if you're leaning over the balcony 
or hanging around the floor 
these are the last of the days of the Locarnos-- 
there really are no more. 
And the usherette smiles, 
but she's not telling all she knows.... 
But there's time in the end of us all to get wise 
if we only open our eyes