Behold the sower in the field, With her arm she scatters-ah! the seeds. Some seeds are trodden in the pathway; Some seeds fall on stony ground. But some seeds fall on fallow ground They grow and multiply-ah! a thousand fold. Oyey, oyey, oyey, oh-oo Oyey, oyey oyey, oyey Some seeds fall on fallow ground, They grow and multiply-ah! a thousand fold. La la la la la. La la la la la, La la la la la. La la. la la la, Tomorrow we scatter like seeds, Tomorrow-ah! we are seeds. Oyey, oyey, oyey, oh-oo Oyey, oyey oyey, oyey Tomorrow we scatter like seeds, Tomorrow-ah! we are seeds. Lookaway, lookaway, don't you see? One and one don't make two-ah they make three. Oyey, oyey, oyey, oh-oo Oyey, oyey oyey, oyey Lookaway, lookaway, don't you see? One and one don't make two-ah! they make three. Midnight has come, I hear music And I'll keep on singing (repeat 4 times) 5. We are seeds, we are seeds, we are seeds, We will grow, we will grow-ah! we will grow. Oyey, oyey, oyey, oh-oo Oyey, oyey oyey, oyey We are seeds, we are seeds, we are seeds, We will grow, we will grow-ah! we will grow. Midnight has come, I hear music...