Words Like Poison Desperate look of helplessness and fear, fixed to the skies, no distinguishing of colours. Words of the strong indirectly whip the poor, no remorse, just power and influence. War of suits massacres the land, its value without any value. Policy of smiling faces, persistence Frightened look of a mother with a dead child in her arms. Tears of the small cowardice and lies of war Can't hear the voice of nature One for everything, One against everything No chance! Bloody tears, crying, pain, weeping and sorrow Smiling man with a tie waving to cameras. Words of praise, scream of enthusiasm without end. A few sentences, a few smiles, a little threat Oceans of innocent blood Invasion, raid and pain, fear for everything. Words like poison, they'll circle the world, poison lands, infect the atmosphere. Never-ending madness of supremacy Discontent of dissatisfied fighters for a square metre of soil Malice, revenge, pleasure to see dying. Mass enthusiasm, gun in hand, no respect, compassion, man to a man like an animal. Dominate at all costs No defeat, manipulation - killing. Leave us alone, bastards! Words like poison, same price, same life, certain death Only one, for all.