Columns of Smoke, Sulfur and Fire Generate A Deadly Aureole Ruin and Madness United in Devastation Collective Murder When Pushing a Button Armies Guided Toward Their Armaggedon Igneous Fratricide, Nation against Nation Silent Testimony, Mortal Prodigy Terrible Barbarism, Explodes in the Atmosphere Hypocrite Fight Liberated by Several Fronts Bloody Tribute and World Extinction Murderous Machine Concocts Its strategy The Infamy Curtain Ascends Mercenary Ruler Interprets His Script Element of Massive Destruction Terror Holocaust, Prelude of Most Somber Twilight Ducted Leaders Prepare a Checkmate Hostile Play, Civilians without Escape Consummation of An Ancient Sport Hiroshima, Innocent Consecrated Nagashaki, Hara-kiri Provoked History Activates Sinister Springs Murderous Machine Concocts Its Strategy The Infamy Curtain Ascends Mercenary Ruler Interprets His Script Element of Massive Destruction Sour Excrements Descend on Our Heads Mortal Prodigy Raises Tortuous Death Discharged in the Anger Days Apogee of the Maximum Lie Noxious Virus Exercises Its Bitter Domain Social Decadence and Baptism of Fire Throwing This World Toward the Flames The Extermination Dance Concludes We Don't Wanna Die Under a Horrible Bloodstained Sky We Don't wanna Die, State of Pain, Bio-Nuclear Theater