All of you who talk about sanatorium Have you ever been in one before? The air is heavy And nurses give you candies you can’t buy on the store! You see fights everyday Every place you go There’s a baby crying You feel the rain in your face You cut your skin hiding Just to feel alive again! Will I ever live again? Sanatorium Is not for you to make a song It’s a place no one should belong to There’s a schizo in the corner With a swastika tatoo He's talking to a plant for hours Who’s he talking to? A junkie escaped Then he sold his shoes for crack With some special candies and stoned he came back! There’s a skinny girl She fucks everyone But there are cameras in the hospital And there’s a man who talks About Jesus and greek gods If you deny his faith, you're not human, you’re out! Will I ever get out again? Sanatorium Is not for you to make a song It’s a place no one should belong to Please nurse give me a medicine Please nurse call a doctor I said please call a doctor! I said please, fuck Sanatorium Is not for you to make a song It’s a place no one should belong to