
Into The Fiery Jaws


Under the guidance of the moon
covered by the german ensign
A small force of nineteen ships are approaching the French coast
St. Nazaire is their goal
To destroy the Normadie dock
To prevent a safe haven for the German terpitz
Through deception and craftsmanship the Germans must be deceived
The Black Cross will guide them through
Together with the altered features
The British force carried the men consisting of commando units

Together with the naval forces
More than 600 will attack
Thursday, March the 26th.
The year is 1914
From The harbor of Falmouth they sail
Under protection of spitfire force
Tense they are, yet in good spirits they travel
Their minds are set on the task to finish
Death or life, no answer can be given
For the future is unknown, but the will is positive
Trained to the utmost, motivated to win
The will to power, the innder fiend

Out-gunned, out-powered by the German foe
The advantage of suprise their biggest ally
Hour after hour en route towards the coast
The convoy approaches the harbor from the southwest
Being challanged bu two signal stations
A few bursts from a German Bofors
Transmitting a delaying message to keep up a German appearance
Closer twords the dock The signal is fired
Yet the game is over and the storm now bursts.