jamie) (shoot, remy, shoot!) walk down the street and don't say a thing cos i don't look like your typical J.A.P. and my skin is not dark enough for you to start pointing racist fingers in my face am i jewish enough to be your enemy am i white enough to be your friend am i quiet enough to be either i don't wanna be either and you wanna blame me for everything that wasn't handed to you on a silver platter saying i have all the money in the world i control your hate yeah and i control you fears and chorus don't have the balls to say it to my face i wanna see you walk down to 18th and Christian wearing a swastika 'round your coward white neck see how cool you are behind enemy lines chorus (this is about how nazi's are nice to me cos i look like a good lil white girl and then they find out i'm jewish.... assholes