Patti Smith

Going Under

Patti Smith

Sun is rising on the water 
Light is dancing again 
Let's go under where the sun beams 
Let's go under my friend 

Are we sleeping 
Are we dreaming 
Are we dancing again 
Is it heaven 
Crack it open 
and we'll slide down 
its stream 

We can hold on (I'm sure) 
To the sea's foaming mane 
It will serve us 
We'll surface 
and we'll plunge back again 

Sun is rising on the water 
Light is dancing like a flame 
There's no burning where the sun beams 
Oh it's such a lovely game 

Does the sea dream (I'm sure) 
We are here, we attend 
We are bells on the shore 
where the tolling suspends 

Who will decide the shape of things 
The shift of being 
Who will perceive 
When life is new 
Shall we divide and become another 
Who is due for gift upon gift 
Who will decide 
Shall we swim over and over 
The curve of a wing 
Its destination ever changing 

Sun is rising on the water 
Light is dancing like a flame 
Let's go waltzing on the water 
Let's go under again 

Let's go under 
Going under