5 o`clock a.m. my head is aching My eyes are red my throat is hoarse and dry Patrick Nothing can get lost, I work with logic But something makes me feel unsatisfied Nuo Passin´ through my dark and unmade bedroom Another restless night is over now Who I got so much more in mind that I won`t recall Savin´me I try to keep it but I don´t know how Songtexte My thoughts are gliding far away into the distance Diving deep into my soul where my emotions run and flow Songtext Recallin´ fluent dreams to hold on to a vision Thinking castles in the air, mental pictures everywhere Lyrics But they will liquefy… Chorus Who`s savin´ me, before it`s gone Lyric I loose a bootleg version of my thoughts till dawn Who`s savin` me, my soul unsaid Liedertexte Imaginations and impressions floating slowly Who`s savin` me, before it´s gone Liedertext I loose a bootleg version of my thoughts till dawn Who`s savin` me, my soul unsaid Alle Imaginations and impressions floating slowly out of my head 3 o`clock p.m. and I`m still tired Patrick Someone`s ringin` forcibly my bell Feeling so narcotic , feelin´ so forlorn Nuo Evacuated like an empty shell My thoughts are gliding far away into the distance Who Diving deep into my soul where my emotions run and flow Savin´me Recallin´ fluent dreams to hold on to a vision Thinking castles in the air, mental pictures everywhere Songtexte Chorus (2x)