
Symmetry Of Imperfection


An innocent descendant
From the bowels of the world
The purest perfection
Molded in flesh and blood
The gods’ form mirrored
On those eyes and face
But the devil dwells
On the darkest corners of that soul

Pristine serenity of gentle strokes
Chaotic insanity of abrupt gestures
Heavenly song played by the sky
In a martial war-hymn echoed from hell

A sea of calm waters in his eyes
And an endless abyss of madness in his soul

A life guided by wisdom
And a spiritual suicide on every second
There are so many cuts
To mold your archetype to the likeness of an angel

The mirroring of heavens has failed
And the sons of tragedy took the world

Crossed parallel lines
And single duality in perfect disunity of life
A twisted marriage
Between the darkest spirit and the material perfection

And when all the beauty is erased
That is when we’ll rise
The vanity has been lost
Devoured by worms, consumed by fire

Dark eyes shining as the sun on a frame of disgrace
How many scars can you brook to reach the perfection?

A shattered soul, twisted, deformed
Clear as the cristal of life
Parading into centuries
Bleeding through eternity