A Storm of flames, it burnt thou to ashes And the blade’s kiss opened thy skin Plant me in your flesh, Immerse me in your blood Let the pain prevail! Irreligious life dripped through ash and dust Immersed the earth and sealed my volition Nothing remains but A shadow at the gates of my grave Of my grave Hear my voices, hear my words My will shall be the only law Let me raise from the dead again Let the stars glow for the last time this century Remember! The suffering is great! But hate will re-erect my reign The beat of your life pumps zeal’s venom Your red blood turns to black dust The chains of slavery cut deep in thy flesh These scars of a new world order Galaxies collide into on another And the will of my people Is broken and gone Only one fact remains I will slave the parasite My blood is your eternity So was it written and so will it be done!