Everyday in lunch in high school and all of my senior year I'd drink my Coca-Cola, with a touch of everclear Never had to study math, science, or history I'd have a chemical flashblack to jog my memory My junior year I swore I loved sweet Ms. Sherry-Ann One night I put some everclear in her Dr.Pepper can I thought it'd make her easy, but she took it pretty hard Took her home and rang her doorbell, left her lying in the yard Tequia dries me out, And Beer just makes me fat Whiskey makes me nauseous, tell me who the hell needs that So if you're thinking about drinking, then the answer's crystal clear It's the invisible intoxicant, its called everclear I remember my church picnic in the spring of '89 Yeah they had four fresh watermelon sliced right off the vine When they bowed their heads, giving grace for the food Hey, I pulled out my bottle and I soaked them melons good They never knew what hit 'em, when the potion went to work They had grandmas doing backflips, grandpas looking up their skirts They were singing Alleluiah, and Willy Nelson songs Preacher said it was the best dang picnic that the Baptists have ever thrown Tequia dries me out, And Beer just makes me fat Whiskey makes me nauseous, tell me who the hell needs that So if you're thinking about drinking, then the answer's crystal clear It's the invisible intoxicant, its called everclear When I'm drinking everclear, think I'm king of this whole world I'm bigger and badder than John Wayne and cooler than Steve Earl Till I wake up and Im face down in the hall Hey I'm conpletely naked for a reason I can't recall Well I'm kinda sorta thinking that I met a chick 'Cause theres perfume in the air and theres lipstick on my neck And I hope that she was pretty and I hope that she was kind Enough to leave my clothes somewhere theyre easy to find Tequia dries me out, And Beer just makes me fat Whiskey makes me nauseous, tell me who the hell needs that So if you're thinking about drinking, then the answer's crystal clear It's the invisible intoxicant, its called everclear