Yeah! It scratches, it's Sarna Bahiana Worse than crabs, worse than worms from Havana It's worse than when your pubic hair are stucked on your pants I got it, ridding on a fucking horse, I don't know where Now I just can't stop to scratch I'm so fucking scare Sarna Bahiana is the worse thing that happened to me I don't want more scratches I just want to be free It scratches, it's Sarna Bahiana Worse than crabs, worse than worms from Havana It's worse than when your pubic hair are stucked on your pants Beware, just before you climb a horse I've got to use some pants not just little shorts Your health is more important than being good-looking Sarna Bahiana can kill you, can put you inside a coffing It scratches, it's Sarna Bahiana Worse than crabs, worse than worms from Havana It's worse than when your pubic hair are stucked on your pants Beware, I'm not just kidding, please, pay attention, Sarna Bahiana is Bad, It scratches really hard, and it hurts. If you like to ride Horses, choose a better one, or use some pants, and remember: Don't Have sex with animals! If you follow this information, you'll never Get Sarna Bahiana, and your life would be great! Thank you! Sarna Bahiana