Binary opposition Force upon me, your heavy hand, with a scripture's weight but not as grand. my paradise in exile placed, while you live life, eternally disgraced It's my fear that drives me away, repenting my sins won't save me today, my new form of purity is bathed in decay, it's in this world that i can't stay, you can't give me what i need, it's from your love, that i bleed, to my demise is where you'll lead, your moral codes where formed from greed. Your words to the touch are soft as lace, but once to the ears carry much distaste, the knife that you hold, is veiled by lust, it pierces my heart, as it turns to dust Color your eyes in shades of deceit, your sinister smile makes your whole appearance complete, you crush my will in every breathe that you take, shallow is your depth to see that you're fake I no longer hear you breathing or the fallacies your weaving, motionless devoid of feeling at your touch sends my heart fleeing.