Paroxysmal Butchering

Anally Siphoned Innards

Paroxysmal Butchering

Internal workings imploding
Sledgehammer crushed trachea
Destroying it’s lungs along with ribs
And tits and spine and guts a crude

Lead conduit siphons hemorrhaging
Liquefied bowel sludge through the ass
End of its mangles frame dripping wet
Innards out exudation of its viscera

Decapitate this worthless animal its
Septic anal heaves dispel the after
Effects of my hatred its fluids spewing
Forth with force from the suffering
That I’ve inflicted as my mind caves in

To brute compulsion and this things
Blood is seemingly keeping me alive I'm
Left with one last humanoid
Cerebration women should not be
Allowed to drive