It took all the strength they knew not to consume you And was all that I could muster just to kiss you Watch my waist for days to take this place beside you Like the way the one who loves you is supposed to The way you used to Did you forget? When all who'd soon surpass me sought respect The press still hung on every envied breath And could you blame them? We both said things that we'd come to regret "Here comes success" "You cash the checks" You take my name And braved it with this patience of the saints I flirted with a fame which never came Did doubts dissuade you? Took pains to say "let nature have her way" And 'course she did And you bore the kid These pangs of pride As every eye moves onto you And though you quiet every room It's sometimes hard to hear the truth And sighs aside The way the limelights long for you They shine their colors on me, too And now there's nothing I can do What child is this? The heir to my illusive parentage That face of his could take him far from this But I'm still childless And neither knows just who the father is The rabbit's dead Well, she easily leapt (?) You've made your name And trouble loves the cuckold of acclaim These kids can't sense the difference either way And can you blame them? When all my memories now bear your name And sure we've been blessed Well, more or less These pangs of pride As every eye collides with you And though you quiet every room It's always hard to hear the truth And sighs aside The way the limelight smothers you They cast their colors on me, too Now they'll remember me through you Does this amuse you? Am I supposed to? It wasn't meant to Pay your respects It's grand, I guess, to treat this like a death Though now somehow less readily erect I might surprise you And rise to the occasion now and then Flesh of my flesh Don't hold your breath Is life unkind? Well, pride resolves of all things in due time But who contrives this legacy I leave behind To those born after? Obliged to let the master think she's right O long-suffering wife Hell, high tide I'm by your side It was all that they could do not to consume you And was all that I could muster just to kiss you Watch my waist for fifteen days to stand beside you Like the way the one who loves you is supposed to I have my use, too