Like blood to bruise Your clothes clung close to you And they're grown back To hues of curls you've kept from view And my (?) Alas that I saw you As much as each of us We just assumed you knew We knew We do We do, oh We do We do, oh We fucked through your room Which traipse and turn through you Retrace those restless days, Now placed amongst the pews And all as we once When I last laid hands on you Your touch left most of us With tails and tongues removed And we knew So speaks the priest of less reprieves And each forever holds his peace You stumbled once on vows of trust But don't worry kid Your secret's safe with us Oh Oh Oh Oh How we all salivate when the bells ring How we all salivate when the bells ring Oh Oh Oh Oh And we all salivate when the bells ring And we all salivate when the bells ring Still we all salivate when the bells ring And we all salivate when the bells ring Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Still we all salivate when the bells ring Still we all salivate when the bells ring