I met a cute guy in a gallery I looked at him and he smiled at me We started talking and I was impressed He was smart and sweet and confident Just as I was thanking my good luck That was the moment reality struck He bid me goodbye and quickly fled Back to the safety of his girlfriend And that's the story so far Well I was hangin' out at that old queer bar The only one in my home town Looking around, didn't find much to choose Feeling the l-can't-get-laid blues But as I was leaving the doorman smiled He was a honey so I stopped for a while We hit it off, but oh, cruel fate! He was the only guy in the place that was straight And that's the story so far This is the part that I can't stand Falling for an attractive men Who's great but often straight This is the part I hate But one in ten still means a lot of them But so many are wrapped up in silly trends That I despise and make me roll my eyes Is this my community... Sometimes I want to mutiny Walking down the street So many guys I want to meet And it makes me smile But it might take a long while To find that cutie With both brains and beauty So I'll keep the faith But for now I wait And that's the story of my life that's the story... So far...