Tom: F no me se la intro de esta cancion pero si alguien se la sabe puede subirla. por un video vi como la toca ryan y brendon asi q los pondre los dos con una R= RYAN ¬¬ Y CON UNA B=BRENDON XD. NO ME SE EL NOMBRE DE LOS ACORDES QUE TOCA RYAN PERO LOS PONDRE CON UNA PEQUEÑA EXPLICACION. EL A# ES COMO FA EN EL 6 TRASTE Y G# TAMBIEN COMO FA EN EL 4 TRASTE PARA Q NO LOS TOQUEN COMO SALE AL VER EL ACORDE. R: C B: C Oooh, how it's been so long R: C B: C We're so sorry we've been gone R: C en 4traste C en 6traste B: G# A# We were busy writing songs for R: C B: F You R: C B: F Oooh, how it's been so long R: C B: F We're so sorry we've been gone R: C en 4traste C en 6traste B: G# A# We were busy writing songs for… R: C C en 4traste B: F G# You don't have to worry 'cause R: C en 6traste B: A# We're the still the same (we're still the same) R: C B: F Band R: C B: F You don't have to worry R:C B:F You don't have to worry R: C 4t C 6t B: G# A# You don't R: C B: F You don't have to worry R: C B: F You don't have to worry R: C 4t C 6t B: G# A# You don't INTRO Q NO ME SE R: C B: F Oooh, how it's been so long R: C B: F We're so sorry we've been gone R: C en 4traste C en 6traste B: G# A# We were busy writing songs for R: C B: C You