As I roved out one May morning, down by blackwater side I heard a lovely fair maid sing, which filled me with surprise May the heavens shine on you fair one, for that good song you've sung For I do wish you were my bride Kind sir, I am too young The younger you are my fair pretty maid, the better you are for me For I do vow and now declare, my loving bride you'll be He took her by the lily white hand, he kissed both cheeks and chin He took her to his own bedroom, to spend the night with him And all the first part of the night, they frolicked and they played All the second part of the night, close in his arms she laid The night being gone, the day coming on, the morning sun appeared This young man arose, put on his clothes, saying fare thee well, my dear That's not the promise you made to me, down by blackwater side You promised you would marry me, make me your loving bride If that's the promise I made to you, it's more than I can do For I never intends to marry a girl so easily led as you You go down to your father's own garden, it's there you can cry your fill And when you thinks about what you've done, you can blame your own free will There's a tree in you father's garden, some people calls it rue When fish will fly and seas run dry, young men they will prove true There's lots of girls goes to the fair, my soul can overthrow But me, poor girl must stay at home, rocking the cradle o'er Rocking the cradle o'er and o'er, singing sweet lullaby Was there ever a girl in this whole world So easily led as I