Pain of Soul


Pain of Soul

My, fear of Morpheus, 
Reflect, on my cold dreams… 

My hopelessness turns into hate 
The agony of each passing day's unsupportable 

I feel the hour is coming when I'll be totally alone 
Sadness is the last sensation of my life 

Oh! Morpheus, come and bring me the calm 
For which there is such longing in my dreams 

Prepare me to leave those that I love most 
And let me keep forever in my mind 
The image of my eternal love… 

I will follow you through the valley of death until I find 
Liberty from my unending melancholy 

Heaviness beats in my heart, take me now to a starry glow 
I feel myself loosening from a dirty body, horrible… 

Someone hold my hand… 
I'm leaving… 
Now no longer alone