Colours (x7) Here in my mind I let some colors, well Show me I don't see Your smile please let make me get Close to you, close to you When I'm in your arms At least I can close my eyes But I didn't feel your harm Please let me get close to you Close to you here (Please let' colors) Who's bugging the fog? His face is on the crowd Who's bugging the fog? Together we could champ it I have been in the fog Your face is on the ground Whose has been bugging fog? Together we could champ it Here in my car I've let some curls of mine And I'm afraid to be modeled Please let me get close to you Close to you Here in my mind I let some colors, well Show me I don't see Your smile, please let make me get Close to you, come to you Who's bugging the fog? His face is on the crowd Who's bugging the fog? Together we could champ it I have been in the fog Your face is on the ground Whose has been bugging fog? Together we could champ it