FUCK YOU! for bringing your bullshit in here racists not allowed! get it clear! we've had enough, it's gone as far as it goes your violence and hate, it ruins our shows the line has been drawn, but not drawn in sand it's set in stone and that's how we'll stand standing together, back to back fighting for our scene, taking it back one scene, united together we're dedicated to making things better punk kids edge kids, it doesn't matter! KEEPING THE HATE OUT FOREVER! how can you stand back unconcerned? your apathy will watch it burn it's time to care, not time to quit time to get rid of this racist bullshit we built this, it's ours, we won't give in you're fighting a war, a war you can't win follow your leader, commit suicide fuck white power and fuck your pride there's no excuse, the time is now it's gone too far and we can't allow this meat head mentality on the floor together we'll show ignorance the door NO! no more hate, get rid of it, we won't tolerate it