Tom: A E|------5--------5---------555555555------| B|----------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------9--| Intro D|-------------------------------------9--| A|-------------------------------------7--| E|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------| G|---------7--9---------------------------------| Todo o resto da musica eh isso q ele toka D|--7-xxx--7--9---------------------------------| A|--7-xxx--5--7---------------------------------| E|--5-xxx---------------------------------------| D|--7--| A|--7--| Ponte( nakele pedaço do "It was heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy" E|--5--| My name is Paulista, I'm a crazy guy I drink all the beers , And kiss all the pretty girls This a true history Of the carnaval in Guriri It was heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy Heavy metal night! Wide on the streets Heavy metal night! I feel so good Heavy metal night! I drink my beer Heavy metal night! And kiss my girl I sleep on the shit, I drunk benflogin I stay com Marlin Mason, I smell loló The night in Guriri is so fucking cool So let's fucking go to The fucking heavy metal night. Obs.: Eh isso ai galera. Se tocar junto com a musika fika bem mais facil. Ainda nao tirei o solinho q ele faz assim q tira eu mando pra vcs.