
Crystal Castle Of Bohemia


Reflected light 
Over mountains in skies 
Attracting the braves 
But shine so bright 
That crystal born 
Inside the stone caves 
In stained morning dew 
And tears of the elves 
Tell me dad what was in beginnin' of all 
I want to know 
Answer me who was elves and gnoms 
Where they hiding? 
Tell me about heroes of the ancient world 
Why they gone out? 
Answer me why the people lying today 
before the face of God? 
Please tell me now! 

Ravens spinning round 
over mountains of Bohemia 
Ravens feel the warm flesh, 
ravens see the crystal castle 
Which stand on rock 
but around stands besiegers armies 
Last elves throwing arrows 
from the crystal walls 

They shields the friends 
who departs from the land of mortals 
They know their time is pass 
New god taking over 
desecrating the air by his breath 
New god with mild smile and sword 

Snows turnin' red by the blood, 
crystal fragments over 
Nature's creatures 
are howling leaving that land 
Firstborn goin' west 
beyond great ocean plain 
Somewhere foreign lands 
will hear their splendid songs 

They blinded by tears 
goin' out from their Motherland 
Where they got the life 
In beginnin' of the all 
New god taking over 
desecrating the air by his breath 
New god with mild smile and sword