By the waters of Babylon Still and deep The sun rose at midnight I was not asleep I saw a man with a javelin A carriage of steel His eyes burned like sapphires Wheels turning in wheels I saw aluminum angels Arrayed like a choir Hailstones falling Rivers of fire By the waters of Babylon I sank down in shame Covered in ashes I called out your name Oh Jerusalem City of thrones The blood of your people Still darkens the stones City of sorrows Spread on a hill Bride of the prophets They dream of you still Kings in their armor Swords in the sky Storefronts of martyrs Lined up to die While in the streets of Jerusalem Children in pain Covered in ashes I called out your name Oh Jerusalem City of thrones The blood of your people Still darkens the stones City of sorrows Spread on a hill Bride of the prophets They dream of you still Oh Jerusalem City of thrones The blood of your people Still darkens the stones City of sorrows Spread on a hill Bride of the prophets They dream of you still