Orphaned Land


Orphaned Land

Chanotcha bevin shaday
Velama mechartani tsemitut lema’avidai
Yedidi hashachachata

Halo az beeretz lo zaro’ah redafeticha
Halo az beeretz lo zaro’ah redafeticha
Usse’ir vehar paran we’sinai vessin ‘aday
Yedidi hashachachta
Chanotcha bevin shaday velama mechartani

Vehaiu lecha dodai vehaya retsonecha bi
Vehaiu lecha dodai vehaya retsonecha bi
Veeich tachaloq ‘ata kevodi levil’aday
Yedidi hashachachata
Chanotcha bevin shaday
Velama mechartani tsemitut lema’avidai
Yedidi hashachachata

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