Not once do they turn Their faces towards me Their chins weighted to their chests In fear of discovery The room dark and quiet as I sat Amongst the whisperers A stale breeze steady beneath our noses Fastened to each exchange Thoughts of which I'd never thought be spoken Drown the men of whom I'd always thought could swim Holding my breath as I sink with them Though it pains me to hear and not to breathe My taste of fate kept behind my teeth The simple scent of my tongue smelling of intrustion Not once do they turn Their faces towards me Their chins weighted to their chests In fear of discovery I reach to catch my breaths and tears As they lightly ripple in the rising pool of collusion Not to disturb the design Of a carefully calculated demise Holding my breath as I sink with them Though it pains me to hear and not to breathe My taste of fate kept behind my teeth The simple scent of my tongue smelling of intrustion