
La Beauté Déraisonnée



Childhood erased, adolescence overwhelmed 
Far from adulthood, fleed by the old age... 

I am not reason 
I am un-reason 

In a maleficent game, devoid of morals 
An illogical yet vital game 

Your asceticism shapes my vices 
You, pale inquisitors of my nights ! 

I admire, I implore, I adore 
Free from good sense, I explore 

Before the pleasure of absence 
My borne sufferings dance 
Revealing, through my own flesh instincts 
The nihilism of Dawn... 
To cross this gulf for reconstruction... 

For I feel one desire 
To be left with my delirium 
To be left with my dreams 
To be vile, sickly and mad 

And even if we take our madness 
For the only reason of our conscience 
And even if from the heights of our hill 
We mix up tears and smiles in nonsense 

Take our word 
Our insanity 
Is beauty