
Intro Under Ophthalamian Skiesto The Benighted


Tom: Bb

        From the Album VIA DOLOROSA

                              Version 1.0 - NOVEMBER 1996
Transcription Done By: Richard Broadhead II() 
For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at 

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

.  - palm mute                          /  - slide up to                       
\  - slide down to                      ~  - vibrato                            
h  - hammer on                          p  - pull off                                 
() - ghost note                         *  - see comment

Tuning: NORMAL

 Riff A

Repeat Riff A a total of two times then play transition

|----2-------| GTR I
|-----2------| GTR II

Play Riff A twice(organs come in)
Then play Riff A for the rest of the song
Pick Slide

Riff B

Play Riff B 8 times

Riff C

Play Riff C a total of 4 times
Play Riff B till end of song
After 8 measures play the following

There appears to be an octave harmony created by the organ.

There appears to be an octave harmony created by the organ.

|-------------------------------------| GTR I
|-9-7-5-7-5-4-5-7-9-7-5-7-5~----------| GTR II
Play Above twice

There appears to be an octave harmony from the organ.

For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at 

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It: