Tom: Db "I WALK ALONE" Album: February Son This song isn't incredibly difficult, of course i'm probably making it much simpler than it actually is... i don't have the solo stuff, if someone much better than me could tab those out i'd be very appreciative... this song is pretty self-explanitory so i'll just give the main chords: The VERSES: ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --6----5----4----3---------------------------- --6----5----4----3---------------------------- --4----3----2----1---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- the verses just repeat that over and over again, for the intro verse it's clean and i think there are some higher strings added in, try some corresponding bar chords...for the rest of the song it's palm muted PRE-CHORUS PART A ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---2--------------------------------------- ---2--------------------------------------- ---0--------------------------------------- (just play this over and over again) ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ --6////8////10////13---------------------- --x////x////x-////xx---------------------- --4////6////8-////11---------------------- ------------------------------------------ on the first pre-chorus it does this, every other time it just hits the 4x6 chord over and over then it goes back into part A and goes straight to: CHORUS this is my favorite part of the song, and it's fun to play, i'm going to give the four main chords and you can pick up the patterns from the CD ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---6-------3------------------------------ ---6---4---3---6-------------------------- ---4---4---1---6-------------------------- -------2-------4-------------------------- that's about one point part of the pre-chorus goes right back into the verse, but you should be able to pick it up... there's a little riff that goes on on top of the verses...i'm not exactly sure of the exact patterns, but the notes are here e-----2------------------------------------ b-----2------------------------------------ g-----1------------------------------------ d------------------------------------------ a------------------------------------------ e------------------------------------------ again here it is, not perfect, but something to start on...if someone's got the solo's please post them or send them to * Thanks Anthony questions/comments: * === "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know." --Captain Jeffrey Spaulding 'Animal Crackers', 1930