Do you wanna wind up in a graveyard? Like a number on a scorecard. They're gonna wrap you up in corn silk They're gonna cry like you were spilled milk. You'd better take another Quaalude And get yourself corkscrewed. I understand that you got cold feet But why'd you have to take 'em down a side street? I must be dumber than a spit curl cause I got hung up on a showgirl Now I look like I'm a scarecrow I might as well go on a talk show CHORUS And this ain't home anymore Its just four walls and a floor Home is where you get the goods for free This is just the house that used to be Yeah the house that used to be You're gonna wind up in a graveyard Like another girl who co-starred They're gonna wrap you up in corn silks They're gonna cry like you were spilled milk And in the far off wail of freight trains And in the lonely howl of Great Danes I hear the girl I lost forever I hear the girl I lost forever CHORUS