Murdered Mouthfuls of shit and clotheslines of veins The world is on fire and all is in flames Gardens with skulls and large torsos too A bike found nearby and an odd looking shoe Shopping malls empty and the cemeteries are full The past was dark and the future looks quite dull Oceans of legs and shitloads of gee I have a premonition that all of us will be Murdered By the millions They deserved it In God's opinion Parks filled with spines and reserves of fingers Flies everywhere as the stench of death lingers Handbags of scalps, and caves of scrotum The Bastard is near I can hear its deathly hum Skin piled in cellars and littered with wrists Everyone's been slaughtered, how have I been missed Toilets blocked with bladders, circumstances unforseen Death's filthy hate pumping killing machine Murdered By the millions They deserved it In God's opinion Millions dead Millions more to die Flies descending Corpses putrefy Governments gone Cities lay in waste Rape, destruction, murder and hate No one will survive The horrifying onslaught They're fighting for their lives, but all for naught The planet is doomed And everything upon it Mechanized mayhem has turned everything to shit Buttock laden trees and busloads of brains A most unusual thing to see, could send a man insane Valleys of eyes and boats filled with arms It's all gone really, really wrong, it's time to be alarmed Pits of penis and trains full of breasts As to what is going on here I can only second-guess Beaches with shins and what appears to be spleen Deducting from this horrific sight, they all have been Murdered By the millions They deserved it Fucking murdered