What if..... You were a Roman soldier From the year 441 Sent to guard the eastern border From the onslaught of the Hun The armies of the great Attila Roll o'er your forces like a wave They burn your house the kill your folk they rape your wife And you become a slave And the hoards that ride out of the East Will they never leave the West in peace What if..... You were a Polish peasant Living in 1241 Unaware of the danger present That you'd be dead by setting sun You hear a shout the clash of clanking armor Coming from the forest to the east You drop your plow and run to warn your family But Tartar horsemen cut you down 'fore you can speak Wave on wave Of Oriental ruin Pounding 'cross the plains from east to west Led by Khan or Turkish sultan Armies on a European quest And now we see a giant dragon The West has woken from its sleep It was chained down It was tormented But soon the Wall will not contain the Jaded Beast