Every mountain peak Every valley low Declare Your glory Every beating heart May our lungs breathe out To give You praise As the oceans wave And every star radiates its light Let the life we live Chase after Your wonderful design May these hands and these feet Go where You send them Give life where they're planted Be part of Your work For as dry as these bones may be May they mirror Your redemptive love May these hands and these feet Go where You send them Give life where they're planted Be part of Your work For as dry as these bones may be May they mirror Your redemptive love May these hands and these feet Go where You send them Give life where they're planted Be part of Your work For as dry as these bones may be May they mirror Your redemptive love May these hands and these feet Go where You send them Give life where they're planted Be part of Your work For as dry as these bones may be May they mirror Your redemptive love If creation speaks of Your ever evolving grace May we who believe Reflect the very nature Of who You are