Take a look at this red sky The sun goes down To find a new itself new time For those who think I've gone, just ask to the sun Where i'm gonna be soon Reborn to complete the things i haven't done That life bad lived that was left behind But now i see That sadness and pain can't be left behind As all the other things It will repeat more times It changes but repeats more times It's sad but what to do? Sons and daughters Can't bring them with me Sadness is placed But we can't give it up All this insane fears Can't make again the same old insane man Well, i have to try I know thechanges will come with the sunrise I know it's coming with the sunrise Rising and shining, new things to rebuild That life i've lived that was left behind But what shines is a remaking of my last leaving No, never will it stop It will repeat more times It changes but repeats more times It comes and goes My sunrise and goes down.