In the dark at the gates of sleep When intricacies of mind get lost A multitude of vileness Interferes lead mind a mind revolution A real network of thoughts gets alive And thoughts link so fast That mind himself can't follow as if it became rowdy On the edge of failure spirit fights Cause the feeling that this is the end becomes oppressive And fall in sleep now Seems to mean eternal death Mind that talk drivel and lose his identity Round-about and disconcerting thoughts Eyes shut yet mental visualization of faces Deformed by fear and suffering Both fury to live and fury to die We live in reprieve Both good and evil are looking for ourselves again and again Which aim for this life ? Unstable Mind In the dark on the threshold of half consciousness The depths of soul awake Subconscious rises and reveals awful truth Death suddenly seems so close and threatening Mind that talk drivel and lose his identity Round-about and disconcerting thoughts Eyes shut yet mental visualization of faces Deformed by fear and suffering If it's true that mind never dies Is it reassuring cause which terrific destiny For man and the whole mankind that a mind without body sentenced to wander For ever in tortured intricacies of his own thoughts without any materiality Which possible relief in this case Let's just hope that spirit and body Die at the same time in order to have any consciousness of anything