I was riding down the highway when I thought I Spotted someone in the road I said, "You going my way?" And he turned his head and said, "Man, I don't know." So I asked about his government and he turned his head and thenbegan to laugh And I asked him, "what you running from?" And he said, "My man, I'm running from my past." And we laughed aloud, and sang aloud And then we drank a brew I didn't think a thought about Mr. Brown, he's through. I heard the loud, marching sound, of a revolution comingthrough. There's no need to come around unless you're true. Someone in the road. Well we kept on driving down that road for about an hour andhalf. The way that we were moving left half myself Reflecting in the past Tired of endless talking, stopped the car and Started walking down a path. Lifted sprits to my heart, Lord knows that anger never lasts. And we laughed aloud, and sang aloud And then we drank a brew I didn't think a thought about Mr. Brown, he's through. I heard the loud, marching sound, of a revolution comingthrough There's no need to come around unless you're true. Someone in the road.