...And thus they were come to a great fortress standing on an open plain. A fell yet mighty air was about this place. They had at least reached Utgard, a stronghold of giants. Entering they beheld a great hall. Inside, many large men sat in feast. "News travels slowly from distant parts, but am I wrong in thinking that this little fellow is Thor the Charioteer? Surely there is more to you than meets the eye. Tell me, companions, what skills do you think you are capable of competing? No one can stay here with us who does not have some skill or knowledge greater than other men" I, Loki will challenge thee I am the swiftest eather here Bring forth a trough of meat Now, who will face me? Now in the middle I see That I am defeated Though bones remain after me Nothing I see in front of me. Come now, Thjalfi, Let us race Out on the plain Of Utgard Three times I won Now turn back And accept defeat At Utgard. Bring forth the feaasting horn From which the Charioteer will drink I know you can drain this horn i n Three drinks and no more Should you fail, I shall not doubt that You will fare well in other feats. I cannot lift your cat, Though I try with all my might I cannot wrestle your old nurse So steadfast is her stance In truth, I am the forest giant You struck mountains with your blows Wildfire burned and mind did run Thus came defeat to your friends Though you drunk you did not see The ocean unending The Serpent you lifted high And old age you did fight well