Body washed a shore cold clear stream Pungent with musky odor of decay and rot Spiritless carcass of a nomadic man They assess what happened in the night The head was beaten with straight claw hammer Torso was mutilated with the sign of the pentagram Stab wounds littered the ghastly remains As rigor mortis set in………….they wept. Now the fetid body is kept at the morgue To test and examine this slain marred skin Marks of the devil penetrate deep As fear of a ritual slaughter becomes evident We can release the corpse but who will come Tampering with the dead is to much to bear Another file is added to the Satanic Slayer The casket lid closes for the last time Unclaimed Cadaver Unclaimed Cadaver Who will want this mockery of a man? Unclaimed Cadaver Unclaimed Cadaver A life was taken by the Devils hand Unclaimed Cadaver Unclaimed Cadaver Fate was sealed with the slit of a knife Unclaimed Cadaver Unclaimed Cadaver God may have his soul but Satan has his life