"wilderness insane I encounter it's rotten soul reaches beyond my heart's beating and calls me raging and roots of dead trees a shadow without me and through me within me my enemy and the mass of grey tells me nothing nothing is worth enduring so much loss alone here breath failing when I shriek into nothing it echoes as I become nothing" the wind had swallowed his cries carried them over a plain smashed and shattered far and wide a glance whence he had come the tower the walls the smoke but a shadow behind turning ahead again he lost his eyes in the distance there he would be embraced by leaf and twig of her growing trees "beneath a hidden star my sunclad pale hope" "down there, her realm lies all thorn, all shut, all dead I descend to a black brook disappearing in the endless desert waste land" stumbling he turned away from empty eyes his share of her grief sun clad in crimson and lay down from it's home broken his soul fled by the brook trough desert water and earth and the sky opened and shadows and mist and his breathing lost two seraphim stood statues, like stone with wings unfold embracing none "and the sun sickens her singing echoes shrieking through broken gates Eden deserted God is no longer here"