"it stands against a bleak horizon a monument and crown we built it high and strong immortal stronghold stone by stone was cast on buried soil beneath, humiliated pitiless sign of warning we hail death and our world's demise the sound of the knell splits the heavens. Eden, earth bitter devastation and utter defeat rejoicing in ourself out final triumph refuge that's where we meet swallowed my friend in misery I crumble and fall next to her a touch I awake she is not there through the fumes I rise above darkened skies that we have conquered dead air I breathe to flee the scum that we have bred I roam alone and feel the horrid stale stench thrust into swaying darkness modern futile death we gave the wilderness which I gave back to us a foe made by our own hands killed all but ourselves behold a battlefield abandoned a shame, ruined disgrace to all mankind what there lies is not anything worth dying for but to turn away and run I spit on you dismal place"